The Montessori Approach to Nurturing Your Child’s Emotional Intelligence

Emotional regulation is a cornerstone of Montessori’s approach. Montessori recognizes the necessity of equipping young children with the necessary tools to navigate their emotions, and emphasizes the importance of providing outlets for self-expression. By allowing children to explore their feelings through art, music, and other creative endeavors, parents create opportunities for emotional growth and understanding. Let’s discuss some of the ways you can bring Montessori emotional intelligence into your child’s at-home education. 


The Montessori Approach to Nurturing Your Child’s Emotional Intelligence 

Maria Montessori once described children as “the greatest marvel of nature,” and for good reason. Children can learn with great speed and accuracy if you give them the room to impress you. This is especially important to consider as you begin to build emotionally intelligent habits with your child – like a goldfish growing to the size of its bowl, the child’s environment is the limiter of their growth. 

Montessori stresses the importance of understanding, respecting, and validating children’s emotions. Early emotional experiences deeply influence behavior later in life, so it is key for parents to nurture emotional intelligence from a young age. A parent’s reaction to strong emotions plays a huge role in modeling how children will respond to them. By modeling emotional regulation and providing a supportive environment, parents empower children to navigate their emotions effectively. Here are some steps parents can take at home that can help strengthen emotional intelligence and provide support navigating big feelings: 


  • 1. Recognize and accept their feelings. Let children know it’s okay to feel upset, angry, or sad, even if they show emotions in different ways. Validate their emotions to help them feel understood. 
  • 2. Teach ways to handle big feelings. Model coping skills like taking deep breaths, counting, or doing physical activities when they’re upset. When they’ve calmed down, talk about where the emotions came from and how we can better manage them in the future. 
  • 3. Stay active. Encourage children to play, run, or dance to release built-up emotions and energy. Physical activity is a healthy way for them to express themselves. 
  • 4. Support self-expression. Give children tools like art supplies or a journal to express their feelings in a positive way. This helps them communicate their emotions effectively. 
  • 5. Listen and problem-solve together. When children share their feelings, listen empathetically and help them find solutions. Brainstorming together is an important bonding activity that you and your child can share while you help them work through their emotions. 
  • 6. Create a safe space. Make sure children feel secure and comfortable expressing their emotions without fear of punishment. A calm and safe environment helps them feel understood and supported, which encourages them to share similar feelings in the future. 
  • 7. Set clear boundaries.  Establish rules and consequences for unacceptable behavior to help children understand limits. Consistent boundaries teach them that while their emotions are valid, certain actions are not acceptable. 


Give your child the emotional intelligence tools they need 

Embracing Montessori’s principles can empower parents to positively support their children’s emotional development. By understanding the importance of emotional regulation, respecting children’s emotions, and implementing practical strategies for nurturing emotional intelligence, parents can help their children experience the complexities of their feelings in a healthy and constructive manner. 

Emotional intelligence doesn’t need to stop at home! Inspire Kids Montessori incorporates Dr. Montessori’s philosophies on emotional intelligence directly into our curriculum, so even when your kids are at school, our teachers are modelling good behavior for them. If you’re ready to give your child the tools they need for a healthy emotional education, schedule your tour of IKM’s facilities today. We can’t wait to meet you!