Have a piece of the Montessori classroom at home! This simple and affordable project will help your toddler develop language skills as a fun and engaging work.
- Paper
- Scissors
- Tape/Glue
- Little trinkets
- Storage box/boxes with 26 individual sections
(found here and here)
Making the alphabet box:
- Label the box! Print the letters and tape/glue them to each drawer
- Fill each drawer with material related to the specified letter (Ex. marble for M, toy zebra for Z, magnetic letters, etc.)
An alphabet box at IKM
How to use:

When your preschooler is ready to work, have him/her pick a drawer and unroll a mat or sit at a desk.
Observe as he/she carefully pronounces each object in the drawer, emphasizing the first letter.
M-m-m-marble! M!
When finished with the work, allow him/her to put all materials back in the proper drawer and clean up the work space.
The Goal:
Alphabet recognition, phonetic sound recognition, focus development, and independence