Preparing for Busy Weeks

Babies and toddlers both have equally demanding schedules, needs, and routines. When you have two young children, it can be overwhelming to balance being pulled in many different directions. Between juggling diaper bags, sippy cups, play dates, and naps, even simple outings to the grocery store can turn into complicated trips. Here are some tips for reducing stress and learning how to savor the time you have with your children when they are young.

Use a calendar and daily schedule

As children get older, birthday party invitations are going to start flooding your mailbox. If you find yourself having to be at the park one day and a bounce house the next, use a calendar to coordinate who will chaperone your children. You can use this as an opportunity to get your older child out of the house to burn some energy while your partner focuses on giving your baby individualized attention.

Make a checklist and pack in advance

Babies and toddlers require a lot of different items if you want to take them out anywhere. Make a checklist for both children and, before you leave the house, make sure you haven’t forgotten anything.

Taking the time to pack your bags the night before you have to be somewhere will take a lot of stress out of your morning and will allow you to spend more time with your children. If you don’t have to worry about scrambling to remember supplies, you’ll have a much smoother transition into the day and you’ll be able to leave your house much quicker!

Pack healthy snacks

Just like us, children get cranky when they’re hungry and/or tired. Take the time to pack healthy snacks for trips so you can quickly end meltdowns. Your children will have more energy and be in a better mood. Creating a snack station for your kids to choose from is a great way to streamline the process of getting out the door. Fill different plastic bags with crackers, fruits, cheese sticks, and applesauce, and let your child select the snack they would like to take with them. Similarly, for your baby, have their food pouches and bottles lined up and ready to toss in your diaper bag.

By taking simple preparation steps the night before family outings or school days, you will be able to spend more time with your children in the morning, relieve stress for everyone, and feel less scrambled. Do you have a favorite way to get organized? Share it with us in the comments below!